Sunday, 4 September 2011

Paddock Foot Aqueduct

Paddock Foot Aqueduct
Huddersfield Narrow Canal
Update August 2011
2011 saw a return visit to the HNC, this time tackling it from the eastern end. Vegetation growth prevented me getting a better shot of the north side of Paddock Foot, but I did get an image of the south face, complete with a water cascade which is a result of a very leaky adjacent lock chamber.

Paddock Foot Aqueduct Huddersfield

Carries the Hudersfield Narrow Canal over the River Colne and into a lock of the same name, overlooked by a stunning railway viadict on the outskirts of Huddersfield.
Built around 1811 and closed to navigation in 1944, when the canal was abandoned. Reopened in 2001as part of the HNC restoration project.
Is located at the end of an impossibly filthy and shallow pound. Good luck to all who sail along it (the rest of the canal is fab!).

The Captain's own collection

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